Carbon Monoxide Detectors

A new law in Wisconsin that became effective on February 1, 2011, requires that most homes in Wisconsin have carbon monoxide detectors. What you need to know is that all single family homes with an attached garage, a fireplace, or fuel burning appliances (including a gas forced air furnace)...


Formaldehyde is an important VOC to test for due to its known toxicity and health implications. Testing for formaldehyde can also result in peace of mind for the customer when the levels turn out to be low. However, it is important to measure formaldehyde in newer homes, particularly if...

Energy Saving Tips

Small Appliances Cook with small appliances. Cook with your toaster oven, electric skillet and slow cooker for specialized jobs, rather than the range. Small appliances use less energy. Use the microwave. Microwave ovens shorten cooking times, which saves energy. Clean or replace air filters. Replace filters on exhaust hoods,...


In humid and damp climates a dehumidifier can pull as much as 50 pints of water from the air each day, depending on the size of the system. Keep your dehumidifier’s reservoir clean and dry; don’t let water spill over or stagnate when not in use. A dirty or...