For the safety of your family and your pets, you should have you well water tested. Having the water tested is something that takes little time and effort on your part, but can be very important for the health and well-being of the loved ones in your home.
Independent water testing labs.
You can find an independent testing lab by asking your water utility or the state health department for a recommendation. Or you can look under “Laboratories” in the Yellow Pages or online. There are also several mail-order laboratories that specialize in water analysis at an affordable price, such as National Testing Labs (800-458-3330) or Suburban Water Testing (800-433-6595). They will send you the proper supplies and instructions for collecting a sample, which you mail back. A lead-only test costs about $55; a comprehensive test for bacteria, organics and inorganics runs from $155 to $195.
Bob Beisbier, owner of BK Home Inspection, is a Certified Master Home Inspector who has been providing professional and thorough home inspections in southeast Wisconsin for over 12 years. Bob is Infrared certified, DILHR Certified, and provides Home Energy Tune-ups, Environmental Data Reports, Pre-sale Home Inspections and Pre-offer Home Inspections.