Formaldehyde is an important VOC to test for due to its known toxicity and health implications. Testing for formaldehyde can also result in peace of mind for the customer when the levels turn out to be low. However, it is important to measure formaldehyde in newer homes, particularly if...
Indoor Air Quality
Plants That Clean Your Indoor Air
The natural way to clean air in your home. Common house plants such as the Boston fern, English ivy, and spider plant are inexpensive, ecologically sound, aesthetically pleasing ways to filter toxins from your home, particularly during these winter months when you are likely to spend most of your...
Facts About Mold
Molds can be found almost anywhere. Mold can grow on virtually any substance when moisture is present. Outdoors many molds live in the soil and play a key role in the breakdown of leaves, wood, and other plant debris. Without molds we would all be struggling with large amounts...
Dust Mites
Dust mites are tiny animals you cannot see. Every home has dust mites. They feed on skin flakes and are found in mattresses, pillows, carpets, upholstered furniture, bedcovers, clothes, stuffed toys, and fabric or other fabric-covered items. Dust mites are mostly harmless, but the body parts and feces of...
Ozone generators are not air cleaners. Have you been approached by sales people or seen a marketing ad stating that their air cleaning machine makes “activated oxygen” or refreshes the air “like a thunderstorm”. These terms give an impression that breathing ozone is good. In reality, the opposite is...
UV Technology
Clean the air in your home with UV? A healthy home buzz that has been going around is installing ultraviolet (UV) lights in air returns in your home to kill germs, viruses, mold, and bacteria before circulating back into your home. The UV lights in air returns can be...